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Córdoba is located at the Guadalquivir River and at the foot of the Sierra Morena. It's the warmest city in Europe, the temperature rises every year above 35 degrees for months.

Today, Córdoba is one of the largest cities in Spain, but Córdoba was once one of the most important cities in the world. In the 10th century it was the second largest city in the world, with a then unprecedented population of 500,000. Córdoba was the capital of the medieval Caliphate of Córdoba. Numerous monuments remind to those glory days, the Mezquita is the most famous example. Since 1984, the historic center of the city as a whole is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Main attractions: Mezquita, this is a huge mosque situated around a cathedral, the Judería (former Jewish quarter) and the old synagogue, one of the three remaining Spanish synagogues, the Roman bridge over the Guadalquivir, the "Alcazar de los Reyes Catolicos (the Castle of the Catholic Kings), a 15th-century castle with beautiful gardens.

Córdoba lies about 165 km from the finca.

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